End of train detection System
End Of Train Detection System (EOTS-01) - is designed to provide Collision Awareness Protection to a Rail Maintenance Vehicles such as a Hi Rail Truck following a Haul Train. The Hi Rail truck is fitted with the Early Warning Detection System (EWDS01) which communicates with the EOT unit mounted on the rear of the haul train.

Rail Maintenance Machine Collision Awareness
Coal, Ore, Grain, Sugar or Freight Wagon EOT Detection
Using a Machine Position Indicator (MPI) the system indicates to the driver of the following vehicle a safe travelling distance to maintain along with the speed of the Haul Train and separation distance. If the Hi Rail vehicle gets too close to the EOT, the system will provide a visual and audible warning to the driver so he/she can act.
5" Colour Touch Screen Operators Control Panel
Radios: Dual long range Omni-directional & short-range directional Time of Flight (TOF)
Monitors: Location, Speed, Detection & Seperation
Alarms: O/Speed, Distance Warning, POI (option), System Alarms
Operating Distance: 0-6km
Accuracy: +/-2m
Alarms: O/Speed, Distance Warning, POI (option), System Alarms
Alarm & Event Logging
System Volts: 12-24Vdc
GPS Tracking (Optional)
Personal Proximity Detection (Optional)